Our Mission
Markham Masjid’s mission is to provide a uniform platform of expression for Islam, to develop educational, dawah and social services that translate the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah into everyday living, and to enhance Islamic identity in the society.
Our Management is dedicated to the following Islamic goals and objectives which we believe will best serve the community’s needs at present and in the future.
Goals, Objectives and Purposes
To be carried out in accordance with the Islamic Shariah and Hanafi School of Thought
- Help Muslims in the town of Markham carry out Islamic activities in pursuance of Islam as a complete way of life.
- Establish and manage Masajid, places of worship to pray to Almighty Allah in an Islamic way.
- Establish and manage centers and schools to provide Islamic religious education to children and adults i.e., Tahfiz-ul-Qur’an, Fiqh and other academic courses conforming to the Ontario Ministry of Education.
- Provide facilities for marriages in accordance with Islamic laws and traditions
- Provide funeral, burial and cemetery facilities to Muslims
- Propagate and promote Islam and to publish Islamic books, literature and to maintain a library for these purposes
- Carry out religious and charitable acts including helping the needy families
- Strengthen fraternal bonds and brotherly relations among Muslims
- Further cooperation with and among Islamic organizations
- Print, publish, and promote the aims and objectives of Markham Masjid
- Initiates and devise effective programs and projects for the promotion of Islamic da’awa and dissemination of Islamic knowledge both among Muslims and non-Muslims
- Help the Muslim community with regard to children’s aid matters, shelter for distressed families and the elderly and provide counseling and other services
- Establish and/or co-ordinate with existing Bai-tul-Mals, Islamic financial facilities or institutions to accommodate Muslims financial needs from the Islamic point of view
- Organize, facilitate and/or conduct various programs and activities for the youth and community members
- Help revive the aamals of Masjid Nabawi in Markham Masjid established facilities
- Establish, facilitate and promote Daa’wa and Tabligh
Board of Directors & Officers
- Shahzad Mustafa (Chair)
- Waqar Afzal (Vice Chair)
- Ziauddin Muhammed (Secretary)
- Ehsanullah Ehsan
- Fazal Mohammed
- Mansoor Aziz
- Mohammed Zaheeruddin Ansari
- Syed Zaheeruddin
- Bilaluddin Syed
- Zia Naqvi
- Shazad Habib
- Aslam Asmal
- Muhammad Murtaza Khan
General Manager
- Mojahed Qashoa